Kamis, 27 Januari 2011


For those of you who want to study in Yogyakarta, for example for the final lecture and research in order to deepen the study of a problem in the city of Yogyakarta, it helps you to follow established procedures.
Procedures for research are requirements that must be met as early permission to do research. it is meant for the municipality of Yogyakarta also find activities undertaken in the city, and minimize conflict since been approved and known to several parties. mengukuti procedures or licensing requirement, it would be easier for us in doing the research, observation, interviews, and distribution of questionnaires.

Licensing requirements include:
1. Application to the Mayor of Yogyakarta which was approved by the Head of Licensing Department of the City of Yogyakarta
2. The proposal has been endorsed by relevant government institutions, Teacher / Supervisor / Lecturer, wet stempal origin researcher from the Institute
3. List of Questions / material Interviews / Questionnaire / Questionnaire signed by the Supervisor / Head of the Institution of origin researcher
4. Location / Respondents and time Implementation research / data collection (1 sheet special)
5. a red folder, and a plain white envelope with the number of copies required in accordance with + 3 sheets.
For example: a copy addressed to Head of Culture and Tourism and Head of Unit Malioboro, the number of envelopes that came with 2 sheets + 3 sheets = 5 pieces
File included in the red envelope, and submitted to the Licensing Research Counters number III

File submission deadline;
Monday-Thursday until 3.30 pm, and Friday until 2 pm
For more information can contact LICENSING AGENCY, Jl. Kenari No. 56, telp. (0274) 514448, 515865, 562682, Yogyakarta 55165 ZIP code.  
Email: perizinan@jogjakota.go.id, sms hotline: 081 2278 0001 .2740: hotline telp: (0274) 555242: email hotline: upik@jogjakota.go.id

Lesehan Malioboro - Jogja Culinary Tourism

Between Culinary Tourism, Nostalgia, and Unique Atmosphere
As an icon city of Yogyakarta, Malioboro does offer a variety of attractions to be enjoyed, whether for shopping, just a walk, or just sitting relaxing in front of Beteng Vredeburg. Until now, Malioboro still has a strong charisma as a place that has always been the center of attention of every tourist who comes to Jogja. Whether it's local Tourist mapun foreign tourists, almost never absent for a visit to Malioboro each time coming to a city renowned as the city of Student and Cultural city. (Haryadi Suyuti)


Likewise with Lesehan Malioboro (traditional restaurant) as an inseparable part of Malioboro Area as a whole that offers a variety of traditional culinary  jogja like 'gudeg', fried chicken, fried pigeon, until the seafood, the main attraction for visitors and tourists who come to Malioboro. Lesehan Malioboro in question is located in the north Jl.Perwakilan up in front of the Hotel Inna Garuda. Lesehan stalls along the street lined with various activities of an integral, hawkers, street artists, to show art that helped to enliven the atmosphere.

Had a bad image inherent in Lesehan malioboro associated with a set price and a perceived lack of comfort. Some visitors complained about high prices of food in Lesehan Malioboro. Complained about the number of hawkers passing, even singers that kept coming one after another as long as they enjoy the dish. I read a series of bitter smile vent on a site that discusses the Lesehan Malioboro.

And that makes me feel disturbed by the image that is ... in such a way Lesehan Malioboro was never empty of visitors. So, what makes people still want to come to Lesehan Malioboro? Because of that, I am interested in doing this research ... with the headline "The Effect of Product Quality Cuisine of Motivation Visits in Lesehan Malioboro" I tried to figure out what exactly is the motivation of people still visit (repeator) to lesehan Malioboro.
If you're one of what I mean, please to give a reason why you keep visiting Lesehan Malioboro ?....
     Because of its food and drink ?
     Because of her service ?
     Because the presentation ?
     Or because the atmosphere ?
     Or... is there another reason? ...

Ed&photo by Inayatul Ilah

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Kuliner Pondok Laras

Pondok Laras...Rumah makan yang terletak di Jl.Kaliurang Km.11 ini sangat cocok untuk Anda yang ingin menikmati hidangan makan bersama keluarga atau teman. Aksesnya yang mudah dijangkau karena letaknya persis di tepi jalan utama Jogja-Kaliurang, membuar rumah makan ini ramai dikunjungi terutama pada musim liburan atau pada musim wisuda.

Menu yang ditawarkan di rumah makan Pondok Laras ini adalah beragam penyetan, serta beragam nimunan. Selain itu rumah makan ini juga menyediakan paket menu yang tentunya bisa menjadi pilihan mudah bagi Anda yang datang secara rombongan, karena selain praktis juga mempercepat proses order pesanan Anda. Di rumah makan ini, Anda juga bisa memilih tempat duduk sesuai yang Anda inginkan, karena tersedia tempat duduk lesehan, pondokan kecil, maupun duduk biasa di atas kursi. Bila Anda datang bersama anak-anak, tentu rumah makan ini akan menjadi pilihan yang pas, karena anak-anak bisa bermain di playground yang tersedia di halaman samping rumah makan ini.

Adapun fasilitas yang tersedia di Pondok Laras ini diantaranya Taman Bermain Anak, Taman Lotus, Musholla, Auditorium, serta free Hotspot. Tentu tidak ada salahnya mencoba menikmati makan siang di rumah makan Pondok Laras ini, dan bersama-sama teman diskusi di rumah makan ini, tentu akan lebih menyenangkan… Selamat mencoba…

Red & Foto
Inayatul Ilah

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Sensasi Makan Lele - Pecel Lele Lela

Selamat Datang...Selamat Pagi Lela... teriak seorang karyawan disusul dengan sahutan rekan karyawan lainnya... Selamat pagi...
Kesan unik yang saya temui ketika masuk ke warung Pecel Lele Lela... dan tentu saja hal ini membuat saya tersenyum...

Bagi pecinta makanan ikan lele, warung makan ini saya rekomendasikan bagi Anda. Lele yang biasanya disajikan dengan bentuk gorengan biasa, di warung "Pecel Lele Lela" ini lele di goreng seperti layaknya menggoreng gurameh. Kremes... kremes... yummy...

Warung yang terletak di Jl.Affandi 6B Jogja atau lebih kita kenal dengan Jl. Gejayan ini memang termasuk baru, karena memang baru dibuka tahun lalu (bulan lalu) di Jogja. Menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup beragam, selain menu lele goreng original juga tersedia menu lele goreng tepung, lele saos padang, ayam bakar madu, ayam saos padang, dan masih ada menu lain. Anda bisa melihat menu yang lebih lengkap di website warung ini dengan cukup klik disini.

Selain ragam menu yang ditawarkan, saya juga merasa puas karena peayanannya sangat memuaskan. Selain para karyawannya ramah, pelayanannya juga cepat... Sehingga tidak sampai 10 menit sejak saya order pesanan, makanan sudah terhidang lengkap di atas meja. Pada kesempatan ini menu yang saya pesan, lele goreng tepung, ayam bakar madu, cha kangkung, dan tempe goreng... hm...yummy...

Selesai makan, saya menutup makan saya dengan menikmati es lilin Nyonya Besar rasa durian, yang kebetulan juga di jual di warung ini. Pas sesuai selera. Dari sisi rasa memang termasuk makanan yang enak (terutama lele goreng tepung-nya), jika dari sisi harga memang lebih mahal dibanding pecel lele di warung kaki lima (yang biasa saya makan)... ada harga ada barang nampaknya memang berlaku...

Yang lebih unik lagi, di daftar menu tertera dua tulisan yang dicetak tebal dengan warna mencolok bertuliskan yang ULTAH Makan GRATIS dan Yang Namanya LELA makan GRATIS SEUMUR HIDUP... Wow Mantapppp...

Saat akan beranjak, seorang karyawan meneriakkan Selamat Jalan... Terima Kasih... disusul oleh rekan yang lain... Terima Kasih...

Tertarik untuk mencoba?
Datang saja... dan semoga Anda juga merasa puas seperti saya...

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Shoping Centre - Book shopping center in Yogyakarta

For the citizens of Yogyakarta, surely familiar with the Shopping Center, book center located in the north of Taman Pintar is a tourist destination. The location, easily accessible and offered competitive prices make this book market is always crowded. Especially when the new school year season. Students choose the subjects to find books and reference guides for subjects in this place. In addition to many collections, ranging from old books to new books published, the book market 'shopping center' , we also can offer a given price the seller. As a result, we can get a skewed price than if we buy the books elsewhere.

In the market for this book, we can also find the clippings, magazines, books, all sorts of dictionaries, and much more. Certainly be a pleasant place for bookworms to linger find favorite book that can add to the collection.

Having tired of looking for a book or just take a walk, we can also take a break at the food court located on the west shopping. Food court is a facility provided by the Taman Pintar. So that visitors can be more convenient shopping centers. Besides food court, there are also game centre, souvenir shop, and IT outlets.
How, interested in visiting the shopping center with a variety of amenities ... come on ... come on ... we added a collection of our reading with a book shop in a Shopping Center ...

Red & Photo by Inayatul Ilah